jeudi 7 octobre 2010

J'ai ou je suis en train de perdre une partie de moi-même...

When is the last time I painted, drew, took an artistic photograph? I can't remember...

Looking at my pictures made me realize I haven't created something since I moved out of my mother's house, and it scares the hell out of me... What I created was ME, it was who I AM or who I was...

I miss those nights, alone in my room, listening to my music, painting, taking pictures of what I created, trying to ignore my brother&sisters&mother yelling, running around, playing, going nuts in the living room, right outside of my bedroom door. The dog barking, my bedroom floor... so cold it made my ankles hurt, the walls covered in paintings, posters and notes. The black paint on my floor . Being so concentrated on the creation I was trying to start or finish that I would forget to do my humanities homework that was do the next day.

It was easy, simple.

I thought my life was OH SO COMPLICATED and OH SO BORING back then... I had nooooo idea what was waiting for me in a few years...

I want to go back to my paintings, to being so mad at my siblings because they wouldn't shut up and let me work that I couldn't wait to leave, and (almost) never see them again...

I would give anything to go back... In my room, with my paintings, pictures, notes, posters, my music (not as loud, so I would get to hear they're laughter, the fighting, the yelling...). I miss them, so much. Once a week is not enough...


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